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La mejor parte de marketing posicionamiento de marca

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The diverse climate of Chile ranges from the world's driest desert in the north—the Atacama Desert—through a Mediterranean climate in the center, tropical in Easter Island,[97] to an oceanic climate, including alpine tundra and glaciers in the east and south.

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Conquest took place gradually, and the Europeans suffered repeated setbacks. A massive Mapuche insurrection that began in 1553 resulted in Valdivia's death and the destruction of many of the colony's principal settlements. Subsequent major insurrections took place in 1598 and in 1655. Each time the Mapuche and other native groups revolted, the southern border of the colony was driven northward.

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Due to its geographical isolation and strict customs policies Chile is free from diseases and pests such Campeón mad cow disease, fruit fly and Phylloxera. This, its location in the Southern Hemisphere, which has quite different harvesting times from the Northern Hemisphere, and its wide range of agriculture conditions are considered Chile's main comparative advantages. However, Chile's mountainous landscape limits the extent and intensity of agriculture so that arable land corresponds only to 2.62% of the total territory. Chile currently utilizes 14,015 Hectares of agricultural land.[163]

El clima en Chile varía por su relieve y por la influencia que ejercen las aguas del ponto. A lo prolongado de la costa, la corriente de Humboldt ocasiona que las temperaturas sean más frescas y la Cordillera de los Andes se encarga de regular el paso de las grandes masas de meteorismo. Es común encontrar climas de tipo desértico en donde hay poca cantidad de lluvia y las temperaturas varían a lo largo del año.

To the south is the Norte Chico, extending to the Aconcagua river. Los Andes begin to decrease its altitude to the south and closer to the coast, reaching 90 km away at the height of Illapel, the narrowest part of the Chilean territory.

Está dividida en dos franjas horizontales: la superior es azur y blanca mientras que la inferior es roja; en el cantón azul se ubica una sino de cinco puntas en color blanco.

A diferencia de otras grandes ciudades y áreas metropolitanas del mundo, Santiago carece de un gobierno metropolitano encargado de su Sucursal, la cual actualmente es repartida por diversas autoridades, lo que complica el funcionamiento de la ciudad como una entidad unitaria.[95]​

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The earliest European immigrants were Spanish colonizers who arrived in the 16th century.[197] The Amerindian population of central Chile was absorbed into the Spanish settler population in the beginning of the colonial period to form the large mestizo population that exists in Chile today; mestizos create modern middle and lower classes. In the 18th and 19th my review here centuries, many Basques came to Chile where they integrated into the existing elites of Castilian origin. Postcolonial Chile was never a particularly attractive destination for migrants, owing to its remoteness and distance from Europe.[198][199] Europeans preferred to stay in countries closer to their homelands instead of taking the long journey through the Straits of Magellan or crossing the Andes.

The northern Atacama Desert contains great mineral wealth, primarily copper and nitrates. The relatively small Central Valley, which includes Santiago, dominates the country in terms of population and agricultural resources. This area is also the historical center from which Chile expanded in the late 19th century when it integrated the northern and southern regions.

Manifestación en Plaza Baquedano durante el estallido social. Pese a los esfuerzos de integración urbana, la desigualdad socioeconómica y la fragmentación geo social permanecen como dos de los problemas más importantes, tanto de la ciudad como del país. Estos problemas han sido considerados como singular de los factores que llevaron al «estallido social», una serie de protestas masivas realizadas entre 2019 y 2020 en contra del gobierno de Sebastián PiñCuadro. Si perfectamente las protestas fueron transversales en el país, estas se iniciaron en Santiago producto del aumento de la tarifa del Metropolitano de Santiago y fue en esta ciudad donde se concentraron las manifestaciones más grandes.

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